Hi, I am John doe!

Hello, I'm Admin of weblogtemplates and this is our new blogger template, Foliocard.
It is extremely easy to configure and use. Designed to show your Web design or web development portfolios.
No complex stuff. Your logo, your articles & your social links. Easy stuff! The Template Published with GooyaabiTemplates.com

Hello everyone, here's an example of  gamification in e-Learning. The main aim of this game is to improve user’s concentration skills along with providing him information about skateboarding.

Here cute and notorious Kick Buttowski jumps into one of the 3 available boxes randomly and the boxes start shuffling on click of "Start the Game" button. 

The user needs to focus and keep track of the box in which Kick Buttowski is and click it to get him out,

but beware..if the user chooses the wrong box, there is a punishment, yes you guessed it right, the user will have to answer a random question about skateboarding, fetched from a question bank.

The game play is divided into 3 main slides based on the shuffle speed (Normal, Moderate and Insane).

1) Normal - In normal speed mode, the users will have 3 chances to find the correct box and for each correct find they will be awarded 20 points. Just in case a user fails to find the correct box in which Kick Buttowski is, he will be redirected to a random question about skateboarding.
  • On correctly identifying the box in which Kick is: POINTS AWARDED 20
  • On correctly answering the question: POINTS AWARDED 10
  • On incorrect answer : NO POINTS AWARDED.
2) Moderate - In moderate speed mode, again the users will have 3 chances to find the correct boxes and for each correct find they will be awarded 20 points. In this case the shuffle speed is higher than the normal speed mode and a separate question bank that contains questions of slightly higher difficulty level is used.
  • On correctly identifying the box in which Kick is: POINTS AWARDED 20
  • On correctly answering the question: POINTS AWARDED 10
  • On incorrect answer : NO POINTS AWARDED.

3) Insane- In Insane mode, the users will have 4 chances to find the correct boxes and for each correct find they will be awarded 20 points. Here the users will have to give it their all as the shuffle speed is twice the moderate speed and the question bank contains really difficult questions.
  • On correctly identifying the box in which Kick is: POINTS AWARDED 20
  • On correctly answering the question: POINTS AWARDED 10
  • On incorrect answer : NO POINTS AWARDED.

The maximum score that a user can attain is 200. On completing all levels, the following slide will be displayed:

-----------------------------------------Whats under the hood?-------------------------------------------
  • Used a web object that allows me to shuffle the boxes seamlessly and created variables in JavaScript to bridge the gap between SL2 and JS. 
  • As shown below, I have created 3 Different slides for different speed levels (Normal/ Moderate/ Insane)
  • The blank slides that you see below are used for redirecting to the appropriate speed level.
  • I have created 3 different question banks, 1 for each speed level. All of them have 9 Questions each.
  • Question bank 1 has easy questions for normal speed level.
  • Question bank 2 has slightly difficult questions for moderate speed level.
  • Question bank 3 has very difficult questions for Insane speed level.
  • Every time a wrong box is clicked, a random value is fetched (any value from 1 to 5) and according to that random value corresponding slide with question comes up.

Here's the demo link: https://goo.gl/iDMrDF

This Example is Inspired by "Find Candies" shuffle game,created by Avinash Sharma.

Type in the words suggested in the demo and search bar created in articulate Storyline will show you a list of relevant topics available as a dropdown item, in similar way as we see in Google Search.

Flash Output: https://db.tt/6SM5tROX

HTML5 Output: https://db.tt/aoQBMBDA

Auto-Complete Functionality in Storyline 1

If we have designed a visually appealing and compelling training program. Do you think such training program is enough to glue the learners to their seats?  Let us accept the truth that, for a learner our training program is just another training program. He/she will do any or all of the following while taking the training –take calls, chat, check mail, talk to a colleague, wonder how long the training program is going to last, and so on. I am sure everybody has done all these in school/college. So, why should our learners be any different?

Learner’s real world is full of distractions. So, it is very important to grab the learner’s attention. The first event “Gain Attention” out of Gagne’s nine events still holds good in today’s learning environment.

I am a great fan of this “Gain attention” strategy. The first few seconds/minutes of a training program plays a crucial role in deciding its fate. The learner may just leave the training in the middle or click ‘Next’ continuously to complete it. If first impression is not positive, the great ID strategies may just fall on deaf ears.

Gain attention strategy plays an effective role in eLearning. It has the power to increase the motivational level of your learner.Gain Attention:

  •  Arouses the learner’s curiosity
  • Sets an expectation in the learner’s mind: What’s in the training for me?/ What is the training all about.
  • Makes the learner think about a particular concept: Really?/ No way!/ So true?
  • Helps the learner grasp what is going to be covered in the training
Basically, a gain attention strategy will build a curiosity in the learner’s mind to see what comes ahead. The learner is actually interested in taking the training program.

We have talked enough about the importance of “Gain Attention”. Now, the question arises “What qualifies as a gain attention strategy?”

The different types of ‘gain attention’ can include:

1.  Pretests: Holds good for learners who believe they know everything and there is nothing more to learn. The objective is to enable the learners to understand where they stand at the beginning of the training program.Example: Before staring the training, let us answer a few questions

 2.  Challenge: This holds good for demotivated learners.
Example: You are a technical assistant. You have several customers who require your assistance.  How many customers can you serve in a day?

3. Problem solution approach: Builds the curiosity in the learner to solve the problem.
Example: You have been appointed a manager of a team whose performance has been very poor over the past few months. How will you motivate your team and ensure that each member gives his/her best.

4.  Did you know? : Share facts that will really inspire and surprise the learners.

5.   Comic strip: Use comic characters to talk about a particular topic/situation.

6.  Story/scenario: Make the learners understand with a scenario or through characters in the scenario.
Example: There’s a city where lot of school going children have been missing over the last two months. You being a part of the investigation department, have been assigned this case. You need to go to the city and solve the mystery.

There are several other innovative ways to design grab attention screens. If you have come across any, please feel free to share them.

Grabbing The Learner's Attention

A New Year's resolution is a tradition in which we make a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something nice. So this time we have created a funny new year resolution game in which you will find out your new year resolution.  

Some resolutions are simple, some are exotic and some are funny, but each is unique in its own way. There is surely one that would appeal to you!

We have used Storyline2 to create this game. 
Hope you like it! 
Thanks :)


New Year's Resolution Game

Welcoming the Star War 7 movie. Here, we are with a new quiz based game in Articulate Story Line 2

Demo Linkwww.googledrive.com/host/0B2_fzoxqYJK3dVkxbUZUbFl4b3c

Star War Quiz..!!