Hello everyone, here's an example of gamification in e-Learning. The main aim of this game is to improve user’s concentration skills along with providing him information about skateboarding.
Here cute and notorious Kick Buttowski jumps into one of the 3 available boxes randomly and the boxes start shuffling on click of "Start the Game" button.

The user needs to focus and keep track of the box in which Kick Buttowski is and click it to get him out,

but beware..if the user chooses the wrong box, there is a punishment, yes you guessed it right, the user will have to answer a random question about skateboarding, fetched from a question bank.

The game play is divided into 3 main slides based on the shuffle speed (Normal, Moderate and Insane).
1) Normal - In normal speed mode, the users will have 3 chances to find the correct box and for each correct find they will be awarded 20 points. Just in case a user fails to find the correct box in which Kick Buttowski is, he will be redirected to a random question about skateboarding.
- On correctly identifying the box in which Kick is: POINTS AWARDED 20
- On correctly answering the question: POINTS AWARDED 10
- On incorrect answer : NO POINTS AWARDED.

- On correctly identifying the box in which Kick is: POINTS AWARDED 20
- On correctly answering the question: POINTS AWARDED 10
- On incorrect answer : NO POINTS AWARDED.

3) Insane- In Insane mode, the users will have 4 chances to find the correct boxes and for each correct find they will be awarded 20 points. Here the users will have to give it their all as the shuffle speed is twice the moderate speed and the question bank contains really difficult questions.
- On correctly identifying the box in which Kick is: POINTS AWARDED 20
- On correctly answering the question: POINTS AWARDED 10
- On incorrect answer : NO POINTS AWARDED.

The maximum score that a user can attain is 200. On completing all levels, the following slide will be displayed:

-----------------------------------------Whats under the hood?-------------------------------------------
- Used a web object that allows me to shuffle the boxes seamlessly and created variables in JavaScript to bridge the gap between SL2 and JS.
- As shown below, I have created 3 Different slides for different speed levels (Normal/ Moderate/ Insane)