Multiple Fillups in one slide in Articulate Storyline

Today a friend of mine asked me:

Can we can we have multiple fill in the blank questions on one slide, which on filling with answer should show correct/incorrect without clicking any buttons in Articulate Storyline.

Tried it myself and came up with the conclusion:

Yes, we can create multiple fill in the blanks in one slide using articulate storyline.

The templates provided by storyline only allows you to add one fill up per slide. In order to achieve the functionality asked in above question, we need to make it from scratch and use variables to ensure its proper working.

The main logic behind this Quiz question is having the (ticks and crosses) AND (Green and Red boxes) hidden when timeline starts of the slide.

If you know Articulate Storyline you will be able to relate to what I am trying to convey.

Let's call the first numeric field (see image above) as Numfield1,

Now use the logic:

If the Numfield1.text = correct value (i.e.57000) change the state of green tick and green box that is next to the Numfield1 to normal.
If the Numfield1.text = incorrect value (i.e. not equals 57000) change the state of red tick and red box that is next to the Numfield1 to normal.

Live demonstration of the same code can be seen here in action: